Residents of Hunter’s Glen MUD: We want to hear from you!
For a fee of $7.00/month, Hunter’s Glen MUD would like to know if you are interested in a Recycling Collection Program.
Such fee would be added to your monthly water bill. Best Trash would supply each household with one (1) 18-gallon recycle bin to be collected once per week. Overflow recycling would be accepted as long as it is in clear bags and/or cardboard boxes.
Acceptable Items
Paper: Dry, Clean and Loose
- Newspaper & Inserts
- Magazines & Catalogs
- Junk Mail, Envelopes, File Folders
- Office Paper (any color)
- Corrugated Cardboard Boxes
- Cereal and Gift Boxes, etc.
- Paper Bags & Phone Books
- Wrapping Paper, Packaging Paper
- Paper Books and Hard Cover Books
- Milk and Juice Cartons
- Wax Coated Boxes
- Shredded Paper (please put in clear bag)
- Toilet and Paper Towel Rolls
- Pizza Boxes
Containers: Empty, Clean and Loose
- Glass (clear and colored)
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum Foil
- Aluminum Foil Plates/Containers Plastic
- Bottles, Jars, Tubs and Buckets (ex: Soda, Water, Milk, Juice, Liquor, Detergent, Condiments, Salad Dressing, Butter, Pet Food Containers, etc.)
- Metal Food Cans (tin and steel)
- Metal Pots and Pans
- Gutters (not longer than four feet (4′))
- Electric Wiring (cut up in small pieces)
- Hoses (cut up into small pieces)
- Empty Aerosol Cans
Unacceptable Items
- Yard Waste
- Clothing
- Windows
- Mirrors
- Wood
- Diapers
- Used Paper Towels
- Used Tissues
- Styrofoam
- Ceramics
- Plastic Bags
- Coat Hangers
- Light Bulbs
- Paint
- Furniture Film
We want to hear from you!
(voting in this survey ends on Friday, March 7th)